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You receive a text from Agatha Vega, your girlfriend. Her words pull you into a world of longing as she confesses how much she misses you. Her next text catches you off guard, teasingly sultry, hinting at the passion you couldn’t share before she left. She proposes a game: she tells you to close your eyes and imagine her there. When you open them, the empty space before you transforms. Agatha appears as though summoned by your thoughts, clad in the lingerie you adore. Her movements are slow, deliberate, and tantalizing, her gaze locked onto yours. She sways seductively, her body a vision of the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.
She takes off your trousers and gives you a slow and deep blowjob. Her hand and mouth moves synchronized to give you pleasure. After taking off her lingerie, she sits on top of you and fucks you in cowgirl. She can’t help but moan when you fuck her in reverse cowgirl, doing all these sounds that turns you on. You continue having sex in missionary and doggy and you cum when she masturbates you.

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