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L'hospitalité japonaise


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Marica Hase beams as she congratulates you on getting your new house. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she steps closer, gently caressing your arm. The warmth of her touch and the way she looks into your eyes makes your heart race. You can’t help but wonder if this sweet, sensual touch is some kind of tradition because you bought the house. She smiles knowingly and whispers, “It’s my tradition”.
As you sit down, she kneels in front of you and takes out your cock. She jerks you off and then she gives you a blowjob, loving how hard you get. You lick her pussy, feeling how wet she gets. After the foreplay you start to have sex. You fuck her in different positions like missionary and doggy watching her boobs and butt. She can’t help but moan and she covers her mouth with her hand to try to moan less. She fucks you in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl too. At the end, she masturbates you until you cum.

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