New Lovense updates!

February 11, 2016

Hi everyone! We have updated four videos for supporting the Lovense units! Now you can feel the real sex with the units Max and Nora:

Now supporting LOVENSE toy synchronization!

Dance Lesson

Interview With Carly

Personal Trainer

Thank You


Now supporting LOVENSE toy synchronization!

We are excited to create new content for you: many more videos, more beautiful models, more situations… everything to satisfy all your sexual fantasies and make them real in your Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR or VR smartphone headset.

Help us to create more for you, select quarter or annual option in the registry! Sign up NOW and ENJOY our awesome VR porn videos! REAL SEX in your Virtual Reality Headset! (Oculus Rift, Oculus DK1, Oculus DK2, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard…) Click here!

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